Congratulations to Valley in Exile for reaching 100 posts.
==Personal Stuff==
Theft and vehicle sales.
Courts face equal strain from incessant immigrant casework
This article describes how immigration status affects hundreds of cases in Hidalgo County's court system every year. Many of the incarcerated individuals are illegal immigrants, which is a federal crime. For the purposes of the county, these individuals pose a problem for probation, bond, and paying court fees. If convicted, they also drag the system down through the cost of incarceration. Definitely a must-read.
Cell Prone
There is a related article about the programs being implemented to combat the high crime rate from criminal illegal aliens.
Arizona debates charging illegals with trespassing
Although this does not pertain to the RGV, it will be interesting to see what comes of this move. Arizona is making it a state crime to illegally enter the U.S. so that state and local police can enforce state law.
Remember Tejano History
Today's Letters to the Editor section in the Monitor has a good story about Catarino Garza of Brownsville, who helped Juan Cortinas fight the Texas Rangers during the 1860s and 1870s.
Voter Registration Deadline
The deadline for registration to vote in the primary elections was today. If you missed the deadline, you won't be able to vote in the May election. However, you still have plenty of time to vote in November.
Cuellar's Coffers Hold advantage
U.S. Rep. Henry Cuellar ended 2005 with a sharp financial edge over rivals Ciro Rodriguez and Victor Morales. Things are still looking good for Cuellar who had 7 times more money than his closest rival, Ciro Rodriguez. After the circulated pic of Cuellar being embraced by George W. Bush, Rodriguez saw an increase in donations, but it probably won't be enough to cover the gap. Just in case, feel free to visit http://www.henrycuellar.coom to make your donations.
We won't be quiet!
This is a story about the situations of many RGV Veterans who are making an effort to bring a Veterans hospital to the area. State Representative Aaron Pena has helped publicise the cause to help the veterans. The nearest hospital is hundreds of miles away in San Antonio.
Valley Vets Hospital Has potential
Related story on Channel 5. Commissioner-at-large Ernie Hernandez tells NEWSCHANNEL 5 an abandoned rehabilitation center on FM 802 could serve as a potential hospital. All needed is equipment and personnel.
MP3 File
Correction: I mentioned that I live between Palmview and Mission, it's actually Palmhurst and Mission.
Re: Henry Cuellar
He's voted consistently with the Republicans for quite some time now. It's time to get real Democrats like Ciro back into the House.
Cuellar should change parties.
Also, it seems the upsurge in support for Ciro Rodriguez wasn't just a passing phase. Well over 50K has been raised already.
Why should he leave the party? Where's the diversity of opinion? Aren't Dems supposed to be the party of diversity? Or is it only diversity when people agree with you?
We are the Borg. Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated and your uniqueness will be added to our own.
Anybody who wishes to contribute to Henry Cuellar can visit his website.
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