In case you're new to this blog, I have recently enrolled at the University of Texas-Pan American for the Spring Semester 2006 in an effort to finish my degree in Finance. I've been frustrated at work and was fixing to find another job, which I'll probably do after Valentine's Day, the big season at the store. Well, once I decided to quit working there, at Confetti, and get my old life back after 3 years, cool things have been happening. I'm not sure if I can explain it. To some extent, things are going my way.
For example, I had not planned to go to school this semester. I thought I would not be able to get in. There was a small obstacle at first, but everybody at UTPA was very helpful. So, I registered and enrolled in one day, the Friday before classes started. In my BLAW class, I met my professor, Israel Ramon, Jr., whom I saw in the paper later in the week running for a Judge's position that will be opening up. I mentioned this to Laura Hinojosa, another great person whom I've had the opportunity to meet. She expressed the highest regards for Mr. Ramon. This reminds me that I've also met a couple people, Sally and Michael, who have helped me understand some things about how a campaign is run. Soon, I'll be meeting another person who is coming to McAllen from Washington D.C. I hear she's a great campaigner. So, today, as mentioned in the previous blog, I got an opportunity to meet a reporter who wanted to meet young Latino voters from the Rio Grande Valley. I thought, "Wow, things could not be more interesting." Well, it seems like things could be getting better. There was this guy in the back of my BLAW class who kept putting in his two cents on some topics in class. I turned around and saw an older hairy guy. Most of the people in class are young twenty-somethings except for me and a couple other guys. Then, I heard his voice well during one of his interruptions and it occurred to me that it sounded like... could it be Sergio Sanchez from KURV? I wasn't sure because of the goatee. I checked out his bag, which had the KURV logo all over it. That and the professor checked the class roll for a Sergio Sanchez. So, there you have it. For a whole semester, I have access to one of my favorite talk show hosts. It's amazing how my life, once I decided to take back control of it, is heading in a positive direction. I don't have a job lined up for after Valentine's Day, but I'm quitting anyway. I'm going to print up a crapload of resumes and just pass them around everywhere I go. Or, I can just do handywork like I used to do. Back to the point, I wonder, what else is in store for me?
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