What a busy day. I went to the Job Fair at UTPA and met several people. Here is a pic of the University Ballroom when I got there. There weren't that many people yet as it was scheduled for 10 AM and I got there at 9:48. Still, the recruiters were ready to go. I signed up for a raffle and got a bag with a t-shirt and some stuff. I then walked around and met some people.

I also talked to military recruiters. I can join the National Guard, it appears, up until age 38. The only thing is that I may have to get a medical waiver because of the metal parts in my leg from my accident as a teen.
I spoke with the UTPA Police recruiters too. I applied for the positions there directly, bypassing Human Resources.
I also spoke with recruiters for HEB. Suprisingly, they set me up for an interview on Monday. That's quick decision making. I did write that I'm not available to work until May 1st to give me time to get other offers.
I spoke with UTPA Peer Advisement Services. They are looking for peer advisors. There aren't enough hours for me to make a go at it, but I'll pass along the information given to me by Mary de Leon and Carina Torres. Academic Advisors help incoming freshmen learn how to navigate the University's departments and resources. If you know somebody who would like to earn a little cash here and there, have them call 381-2529. The job is for 10-15 hours a week until December.
I applied with the Edinburg Teachers Federal Credit Union. I know now that it was a waste of time filling out the ap. They run a credit check and it has bearing on their decision. I've had a tough time scraping by these past few years, so my credit it shot. I guess I can give up on working at a bank.
I did meet a fun bunch of people from the Outback Steakhouse. I would love to work there. They seem to be very easygoing and fun. They'll let me know today if I'm in.
The Disney College Program Rep was there too, David. I didn't catch his last name. Man, he had a perfect smile and was really enthusiastic. Best of all, he explained that they look at more than just your GPA. Being primarily an entertainment company, they try to look at you as a whole before making a selection.
From there, I made my way to the Hidalgo County Elections Office to learn more about the services they provide. On the way, I stopped by the Richard Garcia campaign headquarters and picked up a push card. At the elections office, Belinda Sagredo, who could answer my questions wasn't in, so I went to HR to turn in my application. On the way back, I stopped by the courthouse to visit a high school friend, Belinda Salinas, who works for the DA's office. I also asked, while going through security, about the foreclosure auctions. They are held on the first Tuesday of each month starting at 9 or 10 AM. Now I know for next month. I then went back to the elections office and spoke with Belinda Sagredo. I'll write more details on another post. I wanted to stop by City Hall to see if I could set up an appointment to interview the Mayor, but I was running short on time. So I came back to Pan Am to upload the pics and post this blog.

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