Thursday, March 16, 2006

Nacos, Nacolandia, and all about Naqueza

I've heard several people mention Nacolandia in the last couple months. If you're not from around here or Mexico, you may not know where this Nacolandia is. Obviously, Nacolandia is where nacos originate. By nacos, I'm not talking about Ron Stoppable's favorite food (see Kim Possible cartoon). Of course, Nacolandia is not exactly a real place like Disneylandia (Disneyland to you gringos). Nacolandia is a made up place by famous Mexican comedian Luis de Alba.

De Alba created a character called, El Pirruris, who is supposedly the son of a wealthy and influential Mexican. Pirruris talks and acts like the children of the upper-class of Mexico, which most of us recognize because we are not part of that group. I would be considered a naco. In any case, on his show, El Pirruris shares his expertise in nacologia, the study of nacos. Nacos according to the Wikipedia, are "people with illusions of grandeur, airs of importance, bad taste and colorful slang". If it weren't that Luis de Alba makes it funny, El Pirruris would be offensive. I'm not certain if Pirruris made up the word "naco", but he certainly made it popular throughout Mexico and other places where his show was broadcast.

So, you may ask, what would be an example of a naco? I'll list some sites with examples, but they are in spanish. Think of a naco as redneck jokes, but for south of the border.
Link 1

Ah, forget it. Here are some nacadas I pilfered:


Para no quedar como naco cuídate de decir haiga, diferiencia, pior, pecsi, álbitro, confletis, chocomil, alevántate, nadien, rejuntalo, confleis, muncho, rempújalo, saludes, hacer del baño, mucha calor, estar guars (star wars), picza o pitza (pizza), ira (mira), manita (amiga), lonche (lunch), banda (grupo de amigos), etc. También evita
agregar una “s” al final de las palabras; por ejemplo hicistes, vistes,
trajistes, comistes, dormistes, fuistes, etc. Y otras nacadas como métete pa’dentro, súbete pa’rriba, se salió pa’fuera, etc.


Entrar al baño con una taza de café y un periódico. Poner al perro
en el techo de la casa. Bailar lambada. Tapar la ventana del coche con una toalla. Poner un muñeco de peluche arriba de la computadora. Usar tanga de leopardo. Vestir los asientos del carro con camisetas. Quitarse los zapatos en público. Enchinarse las pestañas con una cuchara. Dejarse larga la uña del dedo chiquito. Tatuarse personajes de Walt Disney. Cantar canciones en inglés sin saber lo que está diciendo. Comprar perfumes en el tianguis. Traer una esclava gruesa de oro o plata. Bailar “el gusanito”. Llamar “confleis” a todos los
cereales. Llamar “chocomil” a todos los chocolates en polvo. Llamar “coca” a todos los refrescos (“Me da una coca de naranja”). Escuchar la Ke buena, la Kaliente o la Invasora. Ser fan de “El Vale” (Valentín Elizalde). Llorar con las canciones de Los Temerarios…

There are tons more naquezas, but you have to be familiar with the culture. We all have naco tendencies at some point. I guess there are simply different degrees of naqueza. The worst is being naco and not realizing it. Some nacos actually cherish their naqueza and embrace it wholeheartedly.

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