Saturday, March 04, 2006

The Crunch is Coming

The last few days leading up to the primaries election day are here. It's going to be a crunch time. All the candidates are going to be out in force to try to bring in as many votes in their favor as possible. There are going to be early days and late nights at work. Despite the rumors about such and such candidate taking it easy because of their "sure win", the truth is probably different. Nobody can afford to take the primaries for granted unless they run unopposed.

In my own work, I've been putting in some hours into the development of to find newsfeeds and other sources of information to make it a one-stop site for political information. For Tuesday, you're better off listening to KURV, 710 talk radio. They will be having coverage of the election results.

Tuesday night will be the make or break night for many candidates. Aaron Pena just posted about Pachanga Politics. There are going to be plenty of Pachangas to celebrate going on Tuesday night when the results come in. While some candidates are looking for an outright victory, some will be satisfied with a runoff. The latter will benefit from the extra time to campaign until November.

So, you are hereby officially warned. Things are going to get crazy around the polls on March 7th. Too bad you can't drink beer out in a public area like the polls, it would be cool to pull up a chair and have a few beers to watch the craziness. According to Rio Grande Politics, things are already crazy in Western Hidalgo County.

Although the politics are interesting, I'm more interested in what the people around here do. It's interesting to watch what people will do for a cause. It's interesting to watch the passion that some people put into their politics. Although I've devoted a lot of time writing about politics on this blog and now on the new site, it hasn't been deeply passionate. It's more of a "I think this, what do you think?" approach.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What?! What do you mean no beer?? So those campaign workers are sober? Oh my!!!

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