Sunday, January 03, 2010

McAllen Tea Party Protest Rally Date Change

Happy New Year from McAllen Tea Party Association
Dear Shaine,

My brain had a glitch in it and put the wrong Monday date for the Protest Rally.  My apologies to all. The Protest Rally will be this Monday, Jan. 4th, from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM, and you are urged to bring your signs to Congressman Ruben Hinojosa's office at the corner of McColl and Trenton Roads and join Dave Kaltenbach and his big American flag to speak loudly in protest, while he's in the RGV on vacation from his hard work in Washington, DC putting us in greater bondage to this tyranical government!
We hope you can be there to speak loudly in protest!
McAllen Tea Party
 Mailing: 5111 N. 10th, Box 298
McAllen TX 78504

Rio Grande Valley Tea Party Association | 5111 N. 10th, #298 | McAllen | TX | 78504

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