Accompanied by friends, family and supporters, Sandra Rodriguez filed for the position of State Representative District 36 today.
"Each and every family in our District needs a State Representative working hard for them so that they can overcome these tough economic times and help them get the necessary health care, education, jobs and police protection.
We need it now...and we need to make sure that our children will have it tomorrow.
I've devoted my entire life to helping our community...and I am proud of my accomplishments.
My father, Tatan Rodriguez, fought hard as a soldier for our country. He worked long hours on his feet as a barber to provide for our family and he was a dedicated and active community leader!
He instilled in me the importance of hard work, compassion for others and dedication to our community.
I’ve worked hard as a Public School Teacher and School Board Member, Juvenile Probation Officer, Office Manager and mother of four.
I am proud of the work I have done as a Board Member of the Palmer Drug Abuse Program, the Alamo Boys’ and Girls’ Club, and the Vannie E. Cook Cancer Center, and as a member and volunteer of the Texas Youth Commission BETO House, Hidalgo County Restitution Center, Hidalgo County Women’s Political Caucus,Texas Women Political Caucus, Mujeres Unidas, Domestic Violence Hot Line, Alamo Planning and Zoning Commission, Training Provider Advisory Board / Hidalgo County Sheriff’s Department, and a Teacher of Catholic Christian Doctrine.
I was awarded the AVANCE Mother of the Year award, which was the type of honor I know many of the parents in our district also deserve, as I know many of you have worked hard for your families.
You and I share the same dreams and goals.
We want the best education for our children, affordable health care for all, well paying jobs, and better roads, services and safer neighborhoods.
For too long our State Representatives have been more focused on their personal agendas and their personal problems than on our community.
You and I share the same values and hopes for our families' futures.
With your support and votes, we can make a difference.
Together, let’s make sure our voices are heard in Austin."
For further information, contact Sandra at 956-783-0860.
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