Sunday, April 18, 2010

Metro Toastmasters 10th Anniversay Celebration, April 26, MMX

Hello Toastmasters of the Past, Present, and Future,
We want you at our 10th Anniversary Celebration of the Metro Toastmasters Club.  We hope that many of you will be able to attend this very special event.  Whether you are a current member or not, it does not matter.  This celebration is for anyone who has been part of the Metro Family during the high and low moments.  Robert McLeaish will provide a place for us to gather on Monday, April 26th at 11:30 AM (make sure to mark your calendar now). 
The celebration will be at Heritage Village (formely Camelot Village) located at 2105 S Cynthia St Mcallen, TX 78503 - 956-631-4422 which is just south of Rio Grande Regional Hospital.  There is a link to a map at the bottom of this email.  Arrangements have been made so that the iron gate will remain open during the event.  Once there, go to the main entrance and stroll down into the dining room which is just a few paces from the entrance.  Food, dessert, and entertainment will be provided; all you need to bring is yourself.  What a great way to begin the week on a Monday!
If you think you will attend please respond via email or phone (956.207.1451).  Feel free to notify anyone who you think may have not received this email and is also part of the Metro Family.  Our committee is working day and night making sure we have a successful event.  See ya there!

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