Saturday, February 11, 2006

Two sides to JP Precinct 1 Place 2 race

This article goes into a little more detail about a JPs duties. I guess I just don't know how a JP fits into the whole judiciary process. I am thinking that county court judges have jurisdiction over the entire county and JPs have jurisdiction within their precincts. So, I guess municipal judges only decide in city matters. I am also seeing that The County Judge doesn't judge anything. Furthermore, JPs don't have to be attorneys and can get the title of judge.

Two sides to JP Precinct 1 Place 2 race: "The race for Hidalgo County Justice of the Peace Precinct 1 Place 2 is between incumbent Jesús E. 'Jesse' Morales and his former employee Deanna A. Martinez...."


Anonymous said...

I don't know how are lives will be better having x or y as JP? The duties of that office are so straight-forward. Of course, they do extol some sort of political power, but in the end... who cares!

Shaine Mata said...

The choice really is about the integrity of the JP. Some have been caught keeping money from fines that should have gone to the County. Others have been known to dismiss tickets or get charges dismissed for friends. If they're both reasonably honorable, it won't matter which one, you're right.

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