I was invited by a couple of friends to Lolo's Smart Cuisine for lunch yesterday. I was impressed by their menu now that I have started eating healthier. Around here, it's difficult to find meatless food outside of the produce section at the grocery store. The Rio Grande Valley is a tough place to be vegetarian, or even quasi-vegetarian.
The places that do offer healthy food typically charge an arm and a leg. Lolo's not only provides healthy meals, they are reasonably priced.
Help me keep Lolo's in business for a long time. Check out their website at LolosSmartCuisine.com.
They are located at the plaza on the corner of 10th and Nolana.
I finally got around to creating a Twitter account for RGV Life. As you may know, most likely not, I got started in the whole social media craziness with blogging here at RGV Life. This blog has provided many opportunities for me. While I have gained recognition on my own as Shaine Mata, web stats show that RGV Life is its own entity.
To avoid the whole multiple personality craziness, I'll continue tweeting as myself; but, I'll shunt some of the local retweets and other regional stuff to RGV Life's Twitter.
RGV Life has grown despite my own lack of effort. So, I figure it may be viable as a separate business.
I've also joined the Our Border group on Ning, which seeks out border content. I think RGV Life can contribute to the conversation about life on the border better than me as an individual with my personal emphasis on social media.
Before you leave to come to Central Christian Church at 1320 Nolana for the forum, email or call your friends and relatives and give them this address: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/mcallenteaparty
Not only can they watch the forum live, but they might even catch a glimpse of you from our camera roaming through the crowd. Yes, you can wave.
See you there!
McAllen Tea Party Association
Rio Grande Valley Tea Parties | 5111 N. 10th, #298 | McAllen | TX | 78504
Sorry the channel we initially setup to broadcast "live" didn't work.
If you were one of the few who did not get the message to switch to the new channel, you can watch it here now:
We hope you enjoy this presentation and learn a lot about what the candidates believe. Use this knowledge to challenge your neighbors, friends and associates, asking them if they are ready to vote for the candidate who agrees with their own beliefs.
The Mission Trails Club and concerned citizens were able to convince the Mission City Council to save the hike and bike trail that they were ready to lease to the neighboring Mission Skeet and Trap Club.
The single track trails attract citizens from throughout South Texas and Northern Mexico on a daily basis. The trails are frequented by mountain bikers and cross country runners for training.
The possible transaction resulted from miscommunication between the Parks and Recreation Department and the City Manager, who was not aware of the trails, which were built at the expense of the Mission Trails Club.
Last week during the Border Trade Alliance's 21st Century Border Conference at the McAllen Convention Center, the Customs and Border Patrol Commissioner, Alan Bersin, announced that CBP is open to hearing from citizens and leaders from the various border communities regarding customs, immigration, border protection, and other border issues.
To accomplish this goal, Commissioner Bersin had his agency start a social media website to solicit input from the public. The website is called Our Border. What sets this site apart from other government sites is that Commissioner Bersin visits the site and interacts on occasion. In addition, other agency employees are on the site to learn what issues are important to our communities.
While we have many issues that are unique to our portion of the border, you may find that there are other areas with similar problems. Beyond reaching out to CBP, the website also serves to connect us to other border communities.
It is rare to have this level of input and access to federal agencies. I recommend that fellow residents of the Rio Grande Valley head over to Our Border to sign up and contribute your voices about our community.
9th Anniversary of the Queen Isabella Causeway Collapse Memorial Service at the base of the bridge in Port Isabel Wednesday, September 15, 2010 9 a.m. Prayer & Moment of Silence The Public is Invited to Attend.