Wednesday, October 09, 2024

Fall 2024 in the RGV

It's that time of year again when Winter Texans start to make their way south from the northern states. I have already had phone calls with a Winter Texan client who is getting ready to come down. I think it is fascinating that we can make friends from people who are visiting only seasonally. 

Looking at the blog stats, I seem to get a peak in traffic every year. So I suppose it must be partly due to many of our friends coming back from up north. 

Image generated by Gemini 1.5 Pro AI

Speaking of seasons, we still have a couple of months to go before the end of hurricane season for 2024. We have been fortunate this year, compared to other parts of the USA. Although, south Texas could use the rain. 

This time of year makes me happy as we finally have nights that are below 78F like we had all summer. This week we have had mornings in the 60s. While we still have hot days in the 90s, we at least get some respite in the evenings, leading to cool mornings. 

Returning to RGV Life

You haven't brought up the topic, but I will. I'm bringing back and some other blogs. I had a run-in with an old friend one night. He suggested that I should revive the blog. It was his opinion that there was some value to having somebody writing about the RGV. I had somewhat given up. 

You see, what happens is that you eventually get to know many of the players who make things happen. And you get a sense of who is cool and who isn't. It becomes challenging to write about what's happening in the RGV without somehow affecting people you know. I have been at a loss when it comes to writing for RGV Life the way that I used to do so many years ago. 

But I will be breaking up the writing amongst other blogs dedicated to other topics that don't fit into RGV Life. I have created for some other creative endeavors. Of course, I had previously mentioned as the new platform. 

What I have found is that despite having neglected RGV Life, I still get thousands of page views on stale blog posts. So, I'm not exactly reviving the blog. But it could use a boost from new posts. 

I don't expect to get back to writing daily. After all, I'm spread out among several blogs. But I do expect to post here more frequently. And I'll likely niche down on the topic implied by the domain. 

See you around. 

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