Thursday, March 24, 2011

U.S.A. 6 HOUR MTB RACE... OutWit, OutLast, OutRide!

APRIL 23, 2011

FREE T-SHIRT to FIRST 100...Must register by 04.15.11
Awards to 1st - 3rd each category
Baton-style relay / Le Mans style start
Water, Gatorade, Fruits, Snacks, Groomed trails, lots of fun & giggles!
Texas Branding Iron Burgers & Beer at the finish line!
Dry Camping Available
For online registration, flyer download, and details, please visit web site:


WHERE: Monte Bella Trails Park (West Alton Gloor), Brownsville TX
TIME: 8:00 A.M. - 2:00 P.M.
7:45 A.M. Racer's meeting
7:30 A.M. Registration Closes
COST: $30 per person Before 04.15.11
$40 per person Late Registration, After 04.15.11

Solo - Male, Female, Clydesdale
Teams - Male, Female, Coed, Male Masters (over 40+), Open Pee-wees (12&U)

"TEXAS BRANDING IRON CHALLENGE": Gift cards from Texas Branding Iron... to the Fastest Lap Time, Solo & Team with most completed laps!

Event sponsors:

Event by: Unlimited Sports Adventures
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